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New prognostic factors and calculators for outcome prediction in patients with
recurrent glioblastoma: A pooled analysis of EORTC Brain Tumour Group phase I
and II clinical trials. Gorlia T, Stupp R, Brandes AA, Rampling RR,
Fumoleau P, Dittrich C, Campone MM, Twelves CC, Raymond E, Hegi ME, Lacombe D,
van den Bent MJ. Eur J Cancer. 2012
They allow the user to estimate the median progression free survival, median
survival , probability of progression free survival at 6 months, the probability
of survival at 1 year in patients with recurrent Glioblastoma based on 4
different prognostic factors: administration of corticosteroids, WHO Performance
Status, number of target lesions, maximum diameter of the largest target lesion.
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