Kaplan Meier Survival curves
Cited in : New prognostic factors and calculators for outcome prediction in
patients with recurrent glioblastoma: a pooled analysis of EORTC Brain Tumour
Group phase I and II clinical trials. Thierry Gorlia, Roger Stupp, Alba. A.
Brandes, Roy. R. Rampling, Pierre Fumoleau, Christian Dittrich, Mario M.Campone
, Chris. C. Twelves, Eric.Raymond, Monika E. Hegi, Denis.Lacombe, Martin J. van
den Bent, JCO 2011
Kaplan Meier curves of overall survival in all pooled GBM
data (n=300)
A. Performance Status

B. Presence of neurological deficits

C. Time since initial diagnosis

D. Baseline administration of steroids

E. Number of target lesions

F. Maximum diameter of the largest lesion

G. Frontal tumor location

H. Prior chemotherapy with temozolomide

Kaplan Meier curves of progression free survival in all pooled GBM data (n=300)
A. Performance Status

B. Presence of neurological deficits

C. Baseline administration of steroids

D. Number of target lesions

E. Area of the largest lesion