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Protocol H8 for a prospective controlled trial in stage I-II supradiaphragmatic Hodgkin's disease. Evaluation of treatment efficacy and (long term) toxicity in three different prognostic subgroups. H8 Trial

Study documentation

Trial Status LT-FU ongoing
Dates Date of activation: 15-Sep-1993
Date Step1 close: 15-Oct-1998
Data management at EORTC Yes
Design Phase 3
Randomized open label
Targeted Sample size All Groups: 1333
Treatment Radiotherapy, Drug
Study Staff Laurens Vinckier (Pharmacovigilance Manager) , EORTC Headquarters, Brussels
Type of cancer Hodgkins Disease
Participating groups EORTC Lymphoma Group
Protocol summary
NCT number NCT00379041
Financial Support Academic Fund